Dear Family-                                                                                                    8 MAY 45                  

            Today we heard the news.  The beaten Wehrmacht has surrendered.  For us here this is an anticlimax.  We’re been out of the war for several days.  And tonight, in our Alpine resort hotel, there is no celebration, no drunkenness.  This is being taken so quietly almost casually because since this drive of ours started 23 days ago, the speedy end has been inevitable.  I’ve delayed writing pending a long letter of these last few days, which I shall start tomorrow.  [I will write about] how our regiment captured 7,000 Germans, forced a whole German Corps to surrender, etc.                                       



17 MAY 45

Dear Family-                                                                                                    ITALIAN ALPS

            Still haven’t been able to finish that promised letter.  These Krauts cause as much trouble now as they did when we fought them.  We’re moving 10,000 to the rear tomorrow.  We moved from a beautiful place to a more beautiful place on a mountain lake.  It’s really wonderful.  The CP has taken over a nice resort hotel - white sheets, soft beds, hot water, fresh trout for supper, boating, riding (we’ve got our own stable of 15 German riding horses), a nice bar with plenty of beer, real china and silverware - peace, it’s wonderful.  I will send pictures.                                                          



30 MAY 45

Dear Family-                                                                                                    BELLUNO, ITALY

            Things still go well with us.  We’ve evacuated the 20,000 Krauts that were in our zone and now there’s not much to do - it’s like a vacation.  We ride daily - sometimes twice.  Our lake is still too cold for comfortable swimming though boating and fishing are flourishing.  Passes are given freely - I’m going to Venice in the morning.  And expect to spend a week in Nice soon.  We have one or two dances each week.  I heard recently from Bill Wiley, Bill Milhouse, Tom Hardinge, Pinky Triesler, Jack Ryan, Bill Barr, and Bill Robinson.  Don’t expect me home for the weekend - we’re not due just yet.



Dear Family-                                                                                                    BELLUNO, ITALY

            I spent all day Friday in Venice.  Saw the city from a gondola.  Visited the Court of St. Mark and saw the famous pigeons.  Things here at the lake are about the same.  We have an officers’ dance at least once a week.  Our athletic program is in full swing.  Rumors of what the future holds are flying thick and fast.  We’ll probably be shipped to the Pacific, by way of the U.S.  When, nobody seems to imagine.  It’s nice here…now.

                                                                                                                        Love, Henry