Dear Mom:

            You write me to go somewhere just any day in the week. It is not quite as easy as that. You see I can’t just get off any time I choose. I will be off next Sunday and then the following Saturday then the following Friday and so on. I work 5 days and then I am off the sixth day.

            I thought about going to Los Angeles to the program, but I was too sleepy Sunday night. We got off at 7:20 last Sunday and was off until 11:00 Monday night. We went to Ventura and came back to Oxnard about 3 o’clock in the morning. We wanted to go on down to Hollywood and Los Angeles, but were just too tired so we went to bed. We got up the next afternoon and went to a movie.

            Mom, I went to a fortune teller in Ventura and she told me just out of a clear sky that a member of my family had been ill but that they were better now. Sort of strange wasn’t it? She said that I would be promoted soon and that I would be successful in my present work. She said that in October I had four lucky days starting with the 18th. Maybe I am going to get a furlough. Ha! Ha! Good joke eh?

            I think I have already written you that I soloed last Friday. Yesterday I was out soaring around all alone. It is really fun to know that you are flying it all by yourself. Makes you feel good that the Gov. trusts you with a $13,000 airplane. Guess they figure I can fly a little, anyway. Landing the darned thing is the hardest part of the job. You have to be dead right or the landing won’t be right. You come in for a landing at 70 miles per hour; the ground really comes up at you fast. Its fun though. I wouldn’t trade places with anybody I know.

            Hope that abscess is not serious and that Granny will get ok. That sounds bad though.

            That is all the time I have for now. Will write again soon,

                        Love to all,
