November 1, 1943

1:30 PM


Dear Mom:


            First off, the lack of air mail stamps is due to the lack of time to purchase the same. The post office is only two blocks away and I honestly don’t have time to go there during the day and it is closed on Thursdays. Maybe I’ll get some soon.

            Yes, you told me about the dinner, but who is Mr. Hunter, I don’t know him I don’t think.

            Mom, about Parker ‘51”, it is a pen and pencil set; it is a special kind, really the best you can get anywhere. If you can find one, I really need it badly. As I told you before, it costs considerably, and I will help you pay for it if you can find a set.

            You mentioned another picture, and that it would be here in about three weeks. Is that the same pose or have you had another one made?

            Mom, you know I want you to come to my graduation, but if I should get a furlough, I would catch a bomber home and be there in no time at all. If you feel that you can make the trip on crowded trains, I say come by all means, but you know your strength and please don’t undertake anything that will make you sick. It’s just not worth it, I’ll get home someday if there is any possible way, if I don’t get home right after graduation it will be hard but I can take it if that is the way things must be. Let’s not worry about it until the time comes.

            I may not be in Arizona when I do get my wings, If I do at all.

            We start flying Monday night and we go on a cross country hop next Wednesday. We have only four more weeks here, and we will know what kind of place we will fly in combat when the time comes. Speaking of Anne, I am not what you would call worried over her in particular, but it is just a repeat of another incident and I wonder if it will be that way all along. The only two girls I ever really cared about jilted me. That doesn’t look so good does it? Maybe I’ve got B.O. Who knows?


            Just got your telegram, thanks for the good wishes and I am glad you have pen set, I need it badly. Look like I’ll be able to vote for President Roosevelt next year doesn’t it? I don’t feel any older, just a little wiser about some things I guess. At least I can fly after a fashion and I couldn’t this time last year. Of that I am glad.

            Haven’t written to anyone but you yet, I’ll try to drop everyone a line or two. I just have so little time of my own, it’s sorta hard to get around to everyone one.

            Guess I’ll get on to a few more letters, so it’s so long for now.


