
Dear Mom:

            Well we finished ground school this A.M. We will have only flying to do the next four weeks. We go to the Flight line at 10:00 P.M. eat breakfast at 5:00 AM, go back to the flight line at 6:00 AM and stay until 11:00 A.M. then we take P.T. and eat dinner and go to sleep at 2:00 P.M. and get up at 10:00 PM and go back to the flight line. Then it starts all over again. It痴 a pretty tiring schedule but it makes the days pass faster anyway.

             Bob did not arrive Mom, I talked to some of the boys from his Basic school and they said he got held over for flunking something in Ground school. I sure hated it, I really wanted to see him again. If he does come here now, I will leave the day before he arrives. He is 2 months behind me now, I wish he could have stayed with me all the way through.

            Mom, your ideas about my leave cover a little too much territory. It would never do to have Ann, Frances and Betsy there all at once. Dad, what a hectic time that would be, I値l have to go west on m leave if all those people are going to be there. I just want to come home to see you all and not a crowd of folks. I want to be able to take off my shoes and lay on the sofa if I like, or go around in my underwear if I choose. I couldn稚 do those things if there was company there all the time. I値l go to see those I want too and you can rest easy, I値l be there for one Sunday at least, I believe. We値l all go to church and anywhere else we want.

            I値l have to go to Macon, Mrs. Crossley wrote and said she壇 have anything I want to eat if it could be had in town, and I値l have to go down to the office and see everyone and Miss Bee will have to be called on I知 sure.

Gotta go now. Write often.

