Dear Mom, Pop and Ben:

            Let me start off by reassuring you that I have received everything up to date.  I wrote Aunt Maude about the ties and I wrote Aunt Evelyn but I can’t remember whether I mentioned the handkerchiefs or not.  After all, there was only two of them.  We really enjoyed the pecan fingers, fudge pecans and carmels.  Thanks lots Mom, it was swell.  The pecan fingers were a little broken, but they were real good.

            As of today, there remains only 12 days more to go before that great day.  I can hardly believe it Mom, it seems too good to be happening to me.

            We have not been flying in the last three days, it has been snowing every day but melting as it hit.  All the mountains are white with it though, the scenery is really beautiful around here now.  I wish you could all see it.  After the war, we are going to take time off and have some fun and see some of the world, wait and see.

            Speaking of boys washing out, when the going gets tough lots of them eliminate themselves.  Guess they lose sight of the goal and fold up.  I have been pretty low at times myself but I had to much invested to let it slip by.  I am nearly there now and it is quite a load off too.

            I think I wrote you that as far as I know now, I will be home on the 11th of Feb. about 6:50 P.M. if the train is on time.  I have a lower berth all the way from El Paso, Tex.

            Tell pop that we leave to turn in all my stuff except our shoes but I am wearing size 9B in high tops which will be some few sizes too big for him.  I can turn them in and get new ones but they won’t let you change sizes without an excuse from the Flt. Surgeon and he wouldn’t let me get any size smaller enough for Pop.  I have already thought about getting him a pair, but I just can’t think of a way to do it.  They are really good shoes, I have a pair that I have worn every day for a year.  I have drilled in them and been in mud and they will still shine and they are still in fine shape.

            Well Mom, that is about all for now.  See you in two weeks.

Love to all,
