Dear Mom:

            Hope you are all well and happy. I am well anyway but not happy. I just can’t be satisfied here no matter how hard I try.

            I have had my pictures made and will get them late next week. I don’t thing that they are good but I am stuck with them now so there is nothing I can do about it. I’ll send them home as soon as I get them.

            What questions have you asked me that I haven’t answered? Just ask me again, I guess I just forget them.

            There is nothing happening around here, I do the very same thing day after day, and I grow more tired of it each day. I hate the work, the disgusting way the field is run, the unfairness of their promotion system and the whole setup in general.

            I seem to be up a blind alley with nothing to look forward too at all. I guess it could be much worse.

            Say Mom, I have been doing some thinking and I have come to the conclusion that I definitely need a car; I have been walking myself to death. This is a huge post and I have to walk everywhere I go. Ask pop to be looking around Atlanta for a good 40’, 41’, or 42’ Ford or Plymouth. A convertible will do and ask him to see what he can do at not too high a price. They want from $1300 to $15000 out here.

            I may as well tell you Mom, I wanted to surprise you. I have a leave coming up in August and I hope to get a car and drive it back out here. It will be better to have a loan on an Atlanta bank and I will have my loan paid off in August. Now don’t go build up your hopes too much Mom because they cancel leaves around here pretty regularly, but if nothing happens I’ll be home around the last of August, and I can hardly wait either.

I’ll close for now. Write often.

