Dear Mom, Pop and Ben:

Sure glad to hear your voices today. Made it seem like I did get home for Christmas.  But you didn’t have to mention dinner, hungry as I am right now.  Wish I was eating some of your cooking right now.  Maybe soon though; I have already applied for my leave [and] hope it is approved but I won’t know until the last day.

I am tickled pink that you are all pleased with your presents.  I was worried about what I would give you, and I paddled from one end of town looking for something and I couldn’t find anything I liked.  Finally at the same jewelry store, I found the watch. It came in that morning and they also had the watch chain--the only one in town with the little cross-bar on it that I knew Pop would have to have.  I had thoughts of getting a Masonic ring, but the rings that they are making now are just no good at all.  I looked and looked for something for Ben and I could find nothing at all I thought he would like, so I decided to send him the money and let you and he decide what he wanted.  I hope he is pleased with it.

There is no news at all around here so I will close for now—

My love to you all,
