Capt. Harry M. Wilson                                                             Mrs. Harry M. Wilson

A.P.O. #886 Hg. S.O.S.                                                                             Stuarts Draft, Va.

C/O Postmaster                                                                                                            U.S.A.

New York City N.Y.                                                                                        April 13, 1943


My dearest Hal,

            Yesterday Harry N. had a birthday party. Of course Sam was invited but he has been hoarse with a bronchial cold since Saturday and I thought he had better not go. It was a windy day with squalls of rain and I was afraid his cold would be worse if I took him out. He was very sweet about it though he was bitterly disappointed. Sara said Harry N. was quite overcome with all his presents.

            After all the work I have put in on my rose bushes, I went out this morning to find that a mole had worked under the whole bed. I was mad enough to have committed a murder but I could not find the mole. I shall lie in wait for him in the morning.

            Today it was too wet to garden and I spent the day painting the wood work in the nursery. You’d never believe what a task it has been to try to clean out all the things that have accumulated in there but some day I hope to get it all done. Sam “helps” me so much I really accomplish very little. He means to help and I guess it’s not his fault if he sometimes gets in the way.

            Darling, we miss you so much. Never a day goes by that I don’t wish I could see you and talk to you and love you. No one can ever take your place with me.        

                                                                        All my love,
