August 10, 1942


My dearest Hal,


            Two months are a long time to wait for those letters that still haven’t gotten here. I do hope it will not be very long before I can hear something. I don’t believe I can stand it much longer if I can’t hear how you are.

            Last night Peggy and I were asked to go down to Waynesboro to a Young Peoples Rally. Peggy has been asked to be advisor to the Young People Group at Finley Memorial this year. I believe I wrote you that because of the gas and time situation we have been going to the services at Finley Memorial rather than our own church this summer.

            The point of all this, as you are probably wondering by now, is that we saw Mr. Jamison and he was so interesting in hearing about you. He asked for your address so you will probably get a letter. That is if letters ever catch up with you, which I’m beginning to doubt.

            We also heard a Mr. Whisaker speak on India. The man had been in charge of a leper colony some where in Northern India. He was a very fine speaker and we were so much interested in hearing him. During the supper hour he talked to some of us about his life in India. What an experience a visit to such a place must be. Just now though I could wish you elsewhere.


All my love,

