Oct. 6th 1942
Dearest Hal I got your letter Sun. 4th and was very thrilled to hear after so long a time
Im very glad that you are safely back at headquarters Thank you for the memento of the east It was just a day behind my birthday It is very very pretty and the girls here would like to take it away from me Elizabeth and Billy sent me a pair of slippers and robe for my birthday and E. made me cake also I got a good many cards and some flowers from Will and Annie. Billy seems to like his work he does not have much time to write said he had written Bits but had no response Bits is 100 mi away Billy says he has not had time to even go to foot ball games nearby says they have a team on the post and played Davidson and Wilmington Bill says the mosquitoes are terrible, also the food.
I see that Duke was defeated by Wake Forest 20-7 Nancy M. acts to be remembered to you She is having a hard time Bill M. has a new sign and is at Coup Lee for exam for service.
I have not seen Page for a long time gas and tires are so scarce. Sara and Mrs. M. come together often Do write as often as you can I am feeling but Dr. P. and Sara wont let me leave here. Glad you get 40 letters.
Much love to you,