Wednesday, Feb. 10


Dearest Hal,

            I haven’t heard from you for two weeks now, I guess the mail service is to blame or are you just too busy to write.

            Yesterday we had a meeting of the Augusta Co. T. B. Association and I had to go to that so I could turn in my money for T.B seals. The sale in this community amounted to $92.32, which was almost double what it had been before. I felt that that was doing very well indeed. I may get a little more as there are still a few people I have heard from yet. I wish we could make it $100.00 and there is still a chance of it.

            Sam is making airplanes out of some scraps of wood and he says he thinks he is doing as well as Henry Kiser. I told him he was a little mixed up but he doesn’t seem to mind.

            About two weeks ago I got him some valentines to send to his friends. Last night I started to address them for him and he had printed his name on every envelope. He said he wanted to get some valentines himself. I was afraid you might not be able to find a Valentine way over there so I got one to send “from Daddy”.

            I saw Sara in town yesterday. She said “Nana” had a sore in her side and the Dr. says it is tubercular and she will have to take three x-ray treatments at the university hospital. I wondered if she needed more money for this but Sara seemed to think she could manage. Billy sent her some, I don’t know how much. I spent the January check Monday so she has that. I feel worried over this sore and hope she is not going to have trouble with that. I have not been able to see her for some time, but it is practically impossible to make the gas go around. Sara had heard from Billy just what I did that he had been transferred and he didn’t know just where he was going but possibly overseas this time. I had hoped he would stay here for a while, until “Nana” was better anyway but I know he wanted to go. He was very anxious to see some excitement so I guess he will have plenty of it this time.

            I miss you so much, darling. Am I ever going to have you home again? I miss the things we have always done together but most of all I miss having you to talk to. There is no use trying to talk by better. I am not clever at writing and you probably wouldn’t understand. I want you to remember that the things I write you are for your eyes alone. You are not to write anything I tell you back to anyone. If you do I shall simply stop writing. I don’t intend to become involved in any sort of argument over money or anything else.


                                                                                                            All my love,
