My dearest Hal,


Today I had a letter from you that was mailed Feb 28. I can’t understand where it has been so long. I have had several written in March so I guess this is just a stay. I hope by now you have gotten most of the many letters I have written you and know the answer to your questions.


“Nana” has heard from Billy and we know he landed safely in North Africa. I suspect he is seeing some of that excitement he has been wishing for.


Today I spent the day cleaning in the nursery. I am getting ready to paint the walls and woodwork. I believe I wrote you that the little room is to be Sam’s play room. It has been quite a chore, but with my new cleaner I don’t have to be bothered with the dust and can get along a great deal better.


Darling, I wish I could find some way to make the time pass twice as fast as it does now. Then maybe I wouldn’t have time to get so home sick for you. I need to see you very much. Your letter sounded sort of blue but I could cheer you up if only I could see you. I would give anything if I could kiss you cares away as I used to do.


All my love,

