Sunday August 8

Dearest Hal,

            I just finished talking to Elizabeth. She is staying with Nana for awhile. I’m so glad she could come as Nana hasn’t been feeling very well since she left the sanitarium. I hope Nana can get straightened out soon and get well. She has been sick such a long time.

            I will try to go out there one day next week so we can see how Nana is and see Elizabeth, too. I think I will take the small trays you sent out there and let Elizabeth pick out the one she wants. I don’t see how it could make any difference which one she gets as I think they are perfectly lovely.

            Peggy and Sam and I took some pictures for you when we came home from church, but they may turn out like the others we have taken lately and not be fit to be seen. Peggy’s Kodak won’t focus right and ours leaks light. I tried to have it fixed but the pictures still have light spots on them so it doesn’t seem to have done any good. We can’t even get films to say nothing of new Kodaks, so guess we’ll just have to worry along the best we can.

            I hate to face Sundays, I can get through the mornings fairly well because with going to Sunday School and Church I usually don’t have time to think too much. But as Sunday nights come along I dread to face the hours when we were so happy together. I can only cling to the hope and belief that someday we may enjoy again all those things that made life sweetest and best.

            Sam wants someone to come and play with him so I guess I am elected. I think all fathers should amuse their children on Sundays. I know there is nothing you would rather do.

All my love,
