Tuesday Night


Dearest Hal,

            I have had two tires recapped. I have been very fortunate because so far, I have not had any trouble with them at all, but I thought maybe I could keep from having any by recapping. Two tires were worn smooth so I had those two recapped. The others are in fairly good shape. I try to keep plenty of air in them and take good care of the car as I know how to. I don’t want you to think I’m careless because I have tried to do just what I thought you wanted me to do.

            I also got enough gas for Sam and me to go to town and take our shots until Christmas and I’m so glad we can continue our treatment. This is rag weed season and while I am not entirely free of hay fever, at least I am better than I have ever been at just this time of year. I believe this treatment will do the trick if only I can afford to keep it up long enough. Later we will take shots only once every three weeks and that will not be so bad.


                                                                                                                 Monday August 23


            I seem to have started this a week ago and still I haven’t gotten it finished. Mother has had a terrible time with her foot and at times can’t walk at all. When I have house work and canning both to do you simply can’t imagine how very busy I am.

            Saturday, when I took mother to the doctor I saw Sara and talked to her a good while. She and Eliz are very much worried over the reports the doctor at the University Hospital gave them on Nana. I am anxious to talk to Eliz so I am planning to go out there to see Nana now and I can write you just what the situation is when I get back. Nana was able to pull out of a similar spell before, so I sincerely hope she can do it again. I think they plan to take her back to the sanitarium this week.

            I guess we will have to guess what to put in your Christmas box this time. Write and tell us anyway what you want. We may not be able to wait to hear from you. These boxes must be mailed by the 15th of September. That doesn’t give us very much time.


                                                                                    All my love,
