November 18, 1943


Dearest Hal – Page dropped in Saturday for about ten minutes – she is looking real well so I guess teaching is not proving too hard for her. We have had such nice weather all fall so far – You spoke of it being cooler at night where you are –

            I have wondered how it is in daytime – Billy is in Italy (I’m sorry to say) it is much better than Africa but I’m afraid he is experiencing some cold weather now. The papers say there has been snow and so much rain there –

            I just got a letter from Louis written November 7th. He says he has gotten no mail for two or more months. He says he is getting so he likes Italy – but the people are starving since the Germans took everything they had had and he says he is surprised that Bits has not been sent over that he has had as much training as most of the recruit they have been getting. He may have been sent over for we have not heard a thing from Louis for three weeks – He wrote then that he had heard that there orders were in to move somewhere. I am better but far from being able to look after myself – I feel so worried about what to do or where to go – Sara I know wants me to make other arrangements on account of Harry Nash and of course Elizabeth wanted to go home – I will most probably end up at Catawba if I can get in there, and stay there the rest of my life – What a pity I didn’t die while I had a good chance – Thank you for your frequent letters – They help a lot-

Devotedly Mother