June, 26, 1944

My dearest Hal,

            I have not had a minute to call my own since last Thursday so I have not written you a letter, which makes me feel very badly. Sometimes however things just pile up so big you can’t get them all done.

            On Friday we had our last day of Bible School and then at twelve oclock we went out to Shenandoah Acres to have the Bible School picnic. I got up at 5:30 instead of 6:30 so I could pack a picnic lunch. The children had a wonderful time so of course it was worth it.

            When we got home from the picnic about four oclock I started picking peas to go in the locker and we shelled and processed eleven pints and finished up at ten thirty. That was a full day and I missed getting my letter written Saturday. I spent the morning cleaning up the room at school which we had been using for two weeks for the Bible School I got home about two oclock and ate lunch and worked on my poor weedy garden until dark.

            Sunday, the usual church and Sunday school, we had company in the afternoon Bob Mc Chesney and Cousin John Mc Chesney from Fishersville were here first. Then John and Florence Maffett and their children [came]. They left at six and we had to hurry and have supper and do the chores because we had the Bible School Commencement at the schoolhouse at 8:00.

            The program was very good and I am relieved to say that the Beginners, which I thought made a very good showing. I had been dreading what they would do but every one was very complementary and I hope it was worth the effort. For me it was quite an effort. I don’t see how I will ever catch up with the work here at home. I was so worn out by the time the program was over and we got home I couldn’t do anything but crawl in bed.

            I know you will be pleased to know that Sam got a certificate for perfect attendance and good work. He has had a real good time at Bible School and I think got a good deal out of it.

            Today I had counted on being able to get a lot of work done, but I was doomed to disappointment. This morning I took Daddy to the barbershop to get a haircut. It is the first time he has been in the car for a month. It was a struggle to get in but I helped him get his bad leg in and he managed it. This afternoon I took him to see Dr. Thomas. He is slightly better or he would not be able to go to the office. He has had to have the Dr. come down here for quite a while. He is still very stiff and painful and is using two canes to walk with but he is eating better and he seems a little stronger. The improvement is so slight I think Daddy is getting discouraged but I feel he is gaining some ground. It will probably be fall before he begins to feel like doing even the smallest chores.

            Your letters about your trip were so interesting. I am so glad you could go. It must have been a wonderful experience for you. I wish so much I could be seeing some of these things with you. Most of all I wish I could be seeing you.

All my love
